Your First Visit

Canberra Injury Management Centre

The first step to give us a call and book in to undertake an initial assessment.  Depending upon the presenting condition, this assessment is conducted by our Pain Management Consultants and/or Physiotherapists and if required, our Clinical Psychologists and Exercise Physiologists can also do an assessment.  

For clients requiring multi-disciplinary treatment, we then have a team meeting to discuss the most appropriate treatment plan for the client.  

An initial assessment report* is forwarded to the referring doctor or provider (as appropriate) with treatment recommendations that include one or more of the following strategies:

  • Further investigations,
  • Pharmacological management in consultation with the treating GP,
  • Early intervention treatment and injury management programmes,
  • Individual cognitive-behavioural pain management programmes,
  • Pain management education,
  • Individual psychology treatment and injury adjustment counselling,
  • Physiotherapy (manipulative, exercise-based or specific motor control re-education)**,
  • Supervised gym programmes for post injury/operative rehabilitation and/or work hardening**,
  • Supervised hydrotherapy programmes,
  • Independent gym, pool or home-based exercise programmes,
  • Case meetings with all stakeholders, and
  • Referral to another practitioner, if appropriate.

Have a look at our services for further information regarding programme content.

* In the case of worker’s compensation or compulsory third party claimants, the assessment report, along with programme costing will be forwarded to the insurer for their consideration.

** Private clients do not need a referral for physiotherapy, psychology or exercise physiology services.

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